Úgy érzem bekerültem a mátrixba vagy valamilyen Danny Kaye filmbe vagy csak szimplán megőrültem. Mért nem születtem én Romániába??? Ott legalább pártolják a művészeteket:)
Balettozni tanul 20 közlekedési rendőr Temesváron. A romániaI PROTV alapján a bánsági város rendőrfőnöke szerint ha beosztottjai kecsesebben irányítják a forgalmat, vonzóbbak lesznek és megszeretik őket. A szép mozdulatok pedig gördülékennyé teszik a közlekedést is.
Minden sexy little swine szedje elő a táncos cipőjét, mert a napizene is erre szólít fel:
Arctic Monkeys: Dancing Shoes
Get on your dancing shoes
There's one thing on your mind
Oh, been there looking for you
Sure you'll be rummagin' through
Oh and the shit, shock, horror
You've seen your future bride
Oh, but it's oh so absurd
For you to say the first word
So you're waitin'n'waitin'n...
The only reason that you came
So what ya scared for?
Oh don't you always do the same
It's what ya there for, don't ya know..
The lights are flashing
Down in here tonight
And so'm I exchange a glance
But keep pretending to dance
Don't act like it's not happening
As if its impolite
To go and mention your name
Instead you'll just do the same
As they all do, and hope for the best...
The only reason that you came
So what ya scared for?
Well don't ya always do the same
It's what ya there for, oooo yaaa!!
Get on your dancing shoes
You sexy little swine
Oh, been there looking for you
Sure you'll be rumagin' through
Oh and the shit, shock, horror
You've seen your future bride
Oh, but it's oh so absurd
For you to say the first word
So you're waitin'n'waaaaaaaaaohhh...!